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Cannasouth Limited (NZX: CBD) confirms that it is intending to call a special meeting of shareholders to consider the potential merger with Eqalis Group New Zealand Limited ("EQL") during the course of the next month. As part of the business of that meeting, resolutions will be put to shareholders seeking the appointment of three new directors to the CBD Board, nominated by EQL. Those nominees are Greg Misson, Hilary Webber and Mark Scapens. In terms of the NZX Main Board Listing Rules, CBD is also obliged to open up the period for directors nominations prior to the special meeting being held. This announcement serves to open the period for the nomination of additional directors to the CBD Board, and to confirm that the closing date for director nominations is 5:00pm on Monday, 20 March 2023. Any nomination must be accompanied by the consent, in writing, of the person nominated and should contain a brief curriculum vitae of the nominee. Nominations should be directed to the Company Secretary, by email to colin.foster@cannasouth.co.nz. -ENDS- For further information visit www.cannasouth.co.nz or contact: Mark Lucas CEO Email: mark.lucas@cannasouth.co.nz Mobile: 021 484 649 Colin Foster CFO / Company Secretary Email: colin.foster@cannasouth.co.nz Mobile: 027 577 1498 End CA:00407889 For:CBD Type:GENERAL Time:2023-03-06 16:59:09