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Impact of Cyclone Gabrielle

16/02/2023, 12:14 NZDT, GENERAL

Impact of Cyclone Gabrielle Bremworth Limited (NZX: BRW) advises that Cyclone Gabrielle has impacted our Napier plant, with initial assessments confirming flooding at the site. All other Bremworth facilities including the Auckland and Whanganui plants were not affected by the storm, and they continue to operate. Our first priority is the wellbeing and safety of our people, even though disruptions to communication channels and power have made it challenging to contact all of our team in affected areas at this time. Bremworth has a strong inventory position to meet all demand requirements while the Napier plant is offline. We will be making a detailed assessment of the impact to the business as soon as we are able to safely gain access to the site, and we will provide a further update following that detailed assessment. 16 February 2022 ENDS For further information please contact: Greg Smith Chief Executive Officer gregsmith@bremworth.co.nz +64 21 711 622 End CA:00406805 For:BRW Type:GENERAL Time:2023-02-16 12:14:45