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Resignation of Financial Controller/Company Secretary

08/02/2023, 23:21 Coordinated Universal Time, ADMIN

Marsden Maritime Holdings (MMH) advises that its Financial Controller and Company Secretary Gavin Carroll has resigned and will leave MMH on 28 February 2023. Gavin has held the role of Financial Controller and Company Secretary for 10 years. The Board and Management of MMH thank Gavin for his commitment and dedication to the organisation and wish him well in his future endeavours. MMH will commence recruitment and will provide a further update when the recruitment process is complete. For further information please contact: Rosie Mercer Chief Executive M: 027 3166999 E: rosie.mercer@marsdenmaritime.co.nz ENDS End CA:00406461 For:MMH Type:ADMIN Time:2023-02-09 12:21:57