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Sky Network TV Ltd (“SKT”) – Capital Return to Shareholders

11/11/2022, 14:52 NZDT, MEMO

Memorandum To: Market Participants From: NZX Product Operations Date: Friday, 11 November 2022 Subject: Sky Network Television Limited ("SKT") - Capital Return to Shareholders Message: On 25 August 2022 Sky Network Television Limited ("SKT") announced that it intended to return capital to its shareholders by way of scheme of arrangement. On 2 November 2022, SKT shareholders approved the return of capital. The scheme will involve SKT's shareholders: (a) having 1 share cancelled for every 6 shares held (together with all rights attaching to those shares). Fractions of a share will be rounded up or down to the nearest whole number (with 0.5 rounded up); and (b) receiving a cash sum of NZD$2.40 for each share cancelled. Shareholders on the record date for the scheme with an address on the register in Australia will be paid NZ$2.40 converted into Australian dollars at an exchange rate approved by SKT on or about the record date. In order to correctly reflect SKT's market capitalisation, SKT's information in NZX's systems will be displayed on a post-cancellation basis from Ex Date. The trading halt on SKT ordinary shares will extend from the commencement of trading on Friday, 18 November until the earlier of: (a) an announcement by SKT that the scheme has been implemented; and (b) 12.00pm Tuesday, 22 November. A timetable of events is attached Please contact NZX Product Operations on +64 4 496 2853 or productoperations@nzx.com with any queries. ENDS End CA:00402249 For:SKT Type:MEMO Time:2022-11-11 14:52:24