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AFC held its annual meeting through a virtual meeting

16/09/2022, 02:46 Coordinated Universal Time, MEETING

AFC Group Holdings Limited (AFC) held its annual meeting through a virtual meeting platform today. At AFC Group Holdings Limited's shareholder meeting, held through Zoom meeting today (16th September 2022), shareholders were asked to vote on seven resolutions, which were supported by the Board. AFC is pleased to advise that all resolutions were passed by shareholders. The final results of the voting by poll were: Resolution 1. Receive Annual Report "To receive and consider the Annual Report, including the audit report and financial statements, for the year ended 31 March 2022." The votes were: For: 3,179,557,329 (86.77%) Against: 0 Abstain: 40,000 (0.00%) Resolution 2. Reappoint Auditors "That the Company's Auditors William Buck is reappointed as auditors." The votes were: For: 3,179,597,329 (86.77%) Against: 0 Abstain: 0 Resolution 3. Fix The Remunertion Of The Auditors "That the directors of the Company be authorised to fix the remuneration of the auditors of the Company for the ensuing year." The votes were: For: 3,179,597,329 (86.77%) Against: 0 Abstain: 0 Resolution 4. Re-elect Yang Xia "That Yang Xia, who retires by rotation and is eligible for re-election, be elected as a non-executive director of the Company." The votes were: For: 3,179,557,329 (86.77%) Against: 40,000 (0.00%) Abstain: 0 Resolution 5. Re-elect Bo Xian (Charles) Cao "That Bo Xian (Charles) Cao, who retires by rotation and is eligible for re-election, be elected as an independent director of the Company." The votes were: For: 3,179,557,329 (86.77%) Against: 40,000 (0.00%) Abstain: 0 Resolution 6. Re-elect Jinwei (Karen) Ma "That Jingwei (Karen) Ma, who retires by rotation and is eligible for re-election, be elected as an executive director of the Company." The votes were: For: 3,179,557,329 (86.77%) Against: 40,000 (0.00%) Abstain: 0 Resolution 7. Appoint Shuang (Simon) Xia "That Shuang (Simon) Xia be appointed as a non-executive director of the Company." The votes were: For: 3,179,557,329 (86.77%) Against: 40,000 (0.00%) Abstain: 0 On behalf of the Board of Directors Hao Long CFO 16 September 2022 End CA:00398974 For:AFC Type:MEETING Time:2022-09-16 14:46:43