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14/06/2022, 08:30 NZST, MKTUPDTE

MARKET RELEASE SkyCity Entertainment Group Limited (SKC.NZX/SKC.AX) 14 June 2022 EARNINGS GUIDANCE FOR FY22 RESULT SkyCity Entertainment Group Limited (SkyCity) advises that, following stronger than expected recent trading and increasing certainty around its full year result, it is now in a position to provide earnings guidance for the financial year ending 30 June 2022. Following recent relaxation of COVID-19 operating restrictions, SkyCity has seen strong performance from its local gaming businesses, particularly in New Zealand. SkyCity's non-gaming businesses continue to recover, benefiting from positive domestic tourism, particularly during weekend and holiday periods, and the reopening of international borders. Subject to there being no material changes to SkyCity's current operating settings before 30 June 2022, SkyCity expects Group normalised EBITDA(1) of between $135 - 140 million and Group normalised NPAT(1) of between $3.5 - 7 million. Due to the uncertainty around the potential accounting adjustments required as part of the FY22 result process, SkyCity is unable to provide guidance for reported (statutory) results at this time. SkyCity intends to release its FY22 result on 25 August 2022. Ends For more information, please contact: Investors and analysts - Ben Kay Group GM, Strategy & Capital Markets DDI: +64 9 363 6067 E-mail: ben.kay@skycity.co.nz Media - Graeme Muir GM Communications & Media Relations Mobile +64 216 70 442 E-mail: graeme.muir@skycity.co.nz (1) FY22 earnings guidance excludes a forecast for equity accounted earnings of SkyCity's 11% shareholding interest in Gaming Innovation Group Inc following its equity investment on 1 April 2022. End CA:00393668 For:SKC Type:MKTUPDTE Time:2022-06-14 08:30:41