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25 March 2022 NZX Announcement For immediate release NZ WINDFARMS LIMITED: TE RERE HAU REPOWER PROJECT REFERRED TO EXPERT CONSENTING PANEL UNDER THE COVID-19 RECOVERY (FAST-TRACK CONSENTING) ACT 2020 NZ Windfarms Limited (NZX: NWF) is pleased to announce that the Minister for the Environment, the Hon David Parker, has decided to accept the Company's application to refer the Te Rere Hau wind farm repowering project (Project) to an expert consenting panel (Panel) for consideration under the COVID-19 Recovery (Fast-track Consenting) Act 2020 (FTCA). An Order in Council is now being drafted for the Project. If the Order is approved by Cabinet for submission to Executive Council, it will then be signed by the Governor-General and notified in the New Zealand Gazette. The Company will make another announcement once that has occurred. The day after notification in the Gazette, the Company will be able to apply to the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) for fast-tracked consideration of its resource consent applications by a Panel under the FTCA. Importantly, the Minister's decision to refer the Project to a Panel under the FTCA, should not be taken as an indication or direction that resource consents will be granted. Additionally, the referral decision does not in any way endorse any related planning decisions that may affect the Project. Mr Craig Stobo NZ Windfarms' Chairman says "This is a key milestone for the Company. We are very pleased that the Minister has decided to accept the application for referral, and we look forward to working with the EPA, tangata whenua, our near neighbours, local authorities, Transpower and other stakeholders through the next stage of the process". Mr Warren Koia NZ Windfarms Chief Executive says "We appreciate all the hard work our consenting team has put into the project to date, and we will be looking to build on that work in the next stage of the process in order to put forward an application capable of achieving win-win outcomes for all parties". For further information, contact Warren Koia, Chief Executive, by phone on 06 280 2773, or by email at info@nzwindfarms.co.nz. Nga mihi nui | Thank you Craig Stobo Chairman End CA:00389539 For:NWF Type:MKTUPDTE Time:2022-03-25 16:22:57