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FY21 results audioconference details

21/02/2022, 12:19 NZDT, GENERAL

Refining NZ's financial results for the year ending 31 December 2021 will be announced to the market on Wednesday 23 February 2022. Refining NZ management will host a presentation at 12noon on the same day. The presentation will be available by audioconference. To access the audioconference link and to register to view the presentation, go to www.refiningnz.com. AUDIO CONFERENCE DIAL IN DETAILS START TIME: 12noon NZT Wednesday 23rd February 2022 CONFERENCE SPEAKERS: Naomi James (CEO), Denise Jensen (CFO) and Jarek Dobrowolski (incoming CFO) DURATION: 60 minutes CONFERENCE ID: 10019094 Participants can register for the conference by navigating to this https://s1.c-conf.com/diamondpass/10019094-asm22.html Please note that registered participants will receive their dial in number upon registration. Pre-registration fields of information to be gathered: Full name, Company - ENDS- Authorised by: Chris Bougen General Counsel and Company Secretary Media contact Laura Malcolm communications@refiningnz.com +6421 02363 297 End CA:00387609 For:NZR Type:GENERAL Time:2022-02-21 12:19:40