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Refining NZ and FFI to study green hydrogen

17/12/2021, 06:06 NZDT, MKTUPDTE

Refining NZ and Fortescue Future Industries (FFI) have today signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to study the feasibility of production, storage, distribution, and export of industrial-scale green hydrogen from Marsden Point. The MOU with FFI is part of the ongoing work already signalled by Refining NZ on identifying repurposing opportunities for Marsden Point, once refining operations cease and Refining NZ makes its transition to Channel Infrastructure from April 2022. Work on the study will begin early in 2022. Commenting, CEO Naomi James said: "Channel Infrastructure's vision is to be New Zealand's leading independent fuel infrastructure company, and that means investigating potential opportunities in addition to our core business of operating the fuel import terminal. The potential of green hydrogen to support New Zealand's energy transition is huge if commercial and technical challenges can be solved, so we are delighted that FFI has chosen to partner with us to investigate what might be possible in years to come." The study, which will be undertaken in phases covering both commercial and technical feasibility, will investigate whether the Marsden Point site and facilities that will not be required for the import terminal, might be suitable for green hydrogen production. - ENDS - Authorised by: Chris Bougen General Counsel and Company Secretary Media contact Laura Malcolm communications@refiningnz.com +6421 02363 297 End CA:00384805 For:NZR Type:MKTUPDTE Time:2021-12-16 09:06:18
