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DRP Strike Price for Interim Dividend

11/12/2021, 09:36 NZDT, CORPACT

10 December 2021 DIVIDEND REINVESTMENT PLAN STRIKE PRICE FOR 2022 INTERIM DIVIDEND Oceania Healthcare Limited (OCA) advises that the strike price for the Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRP) operating in respect of the dividend payable on 20 December 2021 has been set at NZ$1.2837 per share. This strike price will apply in calculating the number of shares to be issued to participants who have elected to receive additional shares rather than cash. The strike price has been determined, in accordance with the DRP, as the volume weighted average sale price in New Zealand dollars for Oceania Healthcare shares, calculated on all trades of Oceania Healthcare shares which took place through the NZX Main Board over the period of five trading days starting on 3 December 2021, less a 2.5% discount. Shareholders who have elected to participate in the DRP will receive shares instead of cash in respect of the dividend payable on 20 December 2021. The new shares will rank pari passu with existing shares on issue as at the date of their issue. ENDS For all enquiries, please contact Kathryn Waugh, Chief Financial Officer, on 0800 333 688 End CA:00384518 For:OCA Type:CORPACT Time:2021-12-10 12:36:39