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Sky Network Television Limited (“SKT”) Share Consolidation

25/08/2021, 12:41 NZST, MEMO

Memorandum To: Market Participants From: NZX Product Operations Date: Wednesday, 25 August 2021 Subject: Sky Network Television Limited ("SKT") - Share Consolidation Message: On Wednesday, 25 August 2021 Sky Network Television Limited ("SKT") announced that they will undergo a capital decrease of shares ("share consolidation"). Shareholders will receive one SKT ordinary share for every ten SKT ordinary shares held at 5pm on the Record Date of Thursday, 16 September 2021. In order for the Share Consolidation to be processed SKT will be halted from pre-market open on Ex Date, Friday, 15 September 2021. On Friday, 17 September 2021, trading will resume in SKT ordinary shares. A timetable of events is attached. Please contact NZX Product Operations on +64 4 496 2853 or productoperations@nzx.com with any queries. ENDS End CA:00377930 For:SKT Type:MEMO Time:2021-08-25 12:41:28