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Housing New Zealand Limited – Increase to Wellbeing Bonds

21/04/2021, 11:45 NZST, SECISSUE

Kainga Ora - Homes and Communities has priced the issue, by its subsidiary Housing New Zealand Limited (HNZ) of new unsubordinated, unsecured Wellbeing Bonds. ANZ Bank New Zealand Limited, Bank of New Zealand, Commonwealth Bank of Australia ABN 48 123 123 124 (acting through its New Zealand Branch) and Westpac Banking Corporation (ABN 33 007 457 141) (acting through its New Zealand branch) were joint lead managers for the offer. The Wellbeing Bonds will be issued on 28 April 2021 as an increase of $600,000,000 to HNZ's medium term notes due 18 October 2028 (NZX: HNZ0003), taking the total issue size to $1,125,000,000. The issue yield has been set at 1.805% per annum, reflecting a margin of 0.29% per annum over the underlying swap rate. Wellbeing Bonds are Sustainability Bonds that are also aligned with the New Zealand Treasury's Living Standards Framework. Kainga Ora's updated Framework and other relevant documents are available on the Kainga Ora - Homes and Communities website at https://kaingaora.govt.nz/investors. If you would like to be added to our distribution list, please email treasury@kaingaora.govt.nz. Our Investor Centre (https://kaingaora.govt.nz/investors) also provides useful information on our borrowing programmes, credit ratings and approach to sustainability. Any offer of securities under our borrowing programmes is made to only wholesale investors and in accordance with the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013. The final terms sheet for the new Wellbeing Bonds is attached. For more information please contact: Matthew Needham Chief Financial Officer +64 (4) 439 3000 Jason Bligh Treasurer (Acting) +64 21 386 863 End CA:00370972 For:HNZ Type:SECISSUE Time:2021-04-20 16:45:57