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L&Q Notice – NZ Automotive Investments Limited

17/02/2021, 19:31 Coordinated Universal Time, OFFER

LISTING AND QUOTATION NOTICE: NZX MAIN BOARD NZ AUTOMOTIVE INVESTMENTS LIMITED ("NZA") ORDINARY SHARES Company: NZ Automotive Investments Limited Issuer Code: NZA ISIN: NZNZAE0001S5 Short Name: NZ Automotive Investments Registered Office: BDO Auckland, Level 4, 4 Graham Street Auckland, 1010 Website: www.nzautomotiveinvestments.co.nz Telephone Number: +64 9 666 0158 Financial Year End: 31 March Nature of Business: NZ Automotive Investments (NZAI) is an integrated used automotive group operating throughout New Zealand via two divisions: Automotive Retail and Vehicle Finance. The company's purpose is to help Kiwis afford great cars. Operating under the "2 Cheap Cars" brand, its Automotive Retail company is a major used vehicle seller in New Zealand with 12 dealerships across the country. NZAI's Vehicle Finance company operates under the "NZ Motor Finance" brand. It was established in 2019 to diversify earnings and provide a further growth opportunity for NZAI. Directors: Karl Smith (Chair), Charles Bolt, Michele Kernahan, Tracy Rowsell, David (Yuseke) Sena, Eugene Williams Details of Issue: The Quotation is solely a compliance listing. There is no public offer of NZ Automotive Investments Limited Ordinary Shares. Quoted Securities at Date of Listing: 45,554,500 Reference Price: $1.30 NZD Tick Size: $0.01 Auditors: Grant Thornton New Zealand Solicitors: Lowndes Jordan Registrar: Computershare Investor Services Limited Settlement Status: NZCDC Settlement System Profile Document Dated: At or before the day of listing, expected to be 25 February 2021 Expected Commencement of Trading on the NZX Main Board: Thursday, 25 February 2021, at 10:00am Mark Peterson Chief Executive Officer NZX Limited 18 February 2021 End CA:00367756 For:REGCO Type:OFFER Time:2021-02-18 08:31:12