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Supreme Court hearing delayed due to COVID-19

23/04/2020, 08:30 NZST, GENERAL

The Supreme Court of New Zealand will delay hearing the case surrounding Synlait Milk Limited's (Synlait) Pokeno land due to COVID-19. The hearing is unable to be heard in person due to the current COVID-19 restrictions the New Zealand Government has in place to eliminate its spread. The hearing will now be on Wednesday 3 June and Thursday 4 June 2020. Synlait CEO Leon Clement commented: "It is understandable that the Supreme Court of New Zealand has deferred our case given the unprecedented times we find ourselves in. We are all working collectively to eliminate Covid-19 and the health and wellbeing of New Zealanders takes priority." Background o In February 2018, Synlait announced the conditional purchase of 28 hectares of land in Pokeno, a small town in the Waikato District, to establish its second nutritional powder manufacturing site. o In November 2018, the High Court removed covenants over the land which would have hindered Synlait's development of the land. Synlait then took title to the land. o In May 2019, the Court of Appeal overturned the High Court decision to remove the historic covenants. o In June 2019, Synlait filed an application for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court to have this decision overturned. o In October 2019, the Supreme Court held an oral hearing to decide whether the case would be heard. o In November 2019, the Supreme Court announced it would hear the case in April 2020. For more information about Synlait visit www.synlait.com or contact: Media Linda Chalmers Senior Communications Advisor - External P: +64 21 951 347 E: linda.chalmers@synlait.com Investors Hannah Lynch Corporate Affairs Manager P: +64 21 252 8990 E: hannah.lynch@synlait.com End CA:00352063 For:SML Type:GENERAL Time:2020-04-23 08:30:51