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NZX Regulation Issuer Update: COVID-19 class relief

26/03/2020, 13:06 NZDT, GENERAL

NZX Regulation Issuer Update: COVID-19 class relief for Accelerated Non-Renounceable Entitlement Offers and retail pricing This update sets out details of a class waiver and ruling granted today by NZX Regulation in relation to: - issuers seeking to undertake an Accelerated Non-Renounceable Entitlement Offer under the NZX Listing Rules; and - the pricing of retail entitlement offer components of accelerated offers. Please contact NZX Regulation if you have any questions in relation to the matters outlined in this update. Joost van Amelsfort NZX Head of Market Supervision End CA:00350729 For:NZXR Type:GENERAL Time:2020-03-26 13:06:47