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Dividend Reinvestment Plan – Interim Dividend

3/03/2020, 15:27 NZDT, CORPACT

Freightways Limited (Freightways) advises that further to its announcement on 24 February 2020 in respect of the upcoming interim dividend for the year ended 30 June 2020, the discount that will apply for those shareholders electing to participate in the dividend reinvestment plan (DRP) has been set at 3%. Freightways also expects that any shortfall in take up under the DRP in respect of that interim dividend will be underwritten. A revised Distribution Notice is attached (changes highlighted in yellow). The DRP will only be available for registered shareholders in Australia and New Zealand. Attached are the following documents being sent to the shareholders in those jurisdictions: - Letter to shareholders without existing DRP instructions, offering them the opportunity to participate in the DRP; - Letter to shareholders with existing DRP instructions with the share registrar, offering them the opportunity to change those instructions; - The DRP plan offer document, recently aligned to the current NZX Listing Rules, and - The Participation Notice. These documents can also be accessed on Freightways' website at: https://www.freightways.co.nz/share-information/dividend-reinvestment-plan/ For further information please contact: Mark Troughear Chief Executive Officer Freightways Limited Ph: +64 (9) 571 9672 End CA:00349350 For:FRE Type:CORPACT Time:2020-03-03 15:27:50