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Plexure Group Limited (PLX) issues ordinary shares

1/04/2019, 08:38 NZDT, SECISSUE

On the 29th of March 2019 the remaining convertible note holders took the option to convert their note to equity. As a result Plexure Group Limited (PLX) has issued a further 12,534,773 shares. The convertible note has now been extinguished. The full year Profit and Loss impact of the close out of the convertible note is a cost of $1.645m (non-audited). There is no cash impact. Attached is the allotment notice. For more information please contact: Andrew Dalziel, CFO Plexure Mobile: +64 27 6777 575 Email: andrew.dalziel@plexure.com End CA:00332758 For:PLX Type:SECISSUE Time:2019-04-01 08:38:08