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28/03/2019, 08:40 NZDT, GENERAL

Sky Network Television Limited advises that John Fellet has decided to retire from the Board. CEO Martin Stewart said "After a period of transition, during which I have been grateful for John's advice and support in his capacity as a board member, John has decided to step down from the Sky Board." "John will continue to be available to me and the leadership team to support us. We are grateful for his outstanding service to Sky, and he will always be remembered for his passion and commitment to this business." Chairman Peter Macourt said "John's leadership of Sky saw the business transform from three channels and 125 employees to a multi-platform, highly profitable company with over 1200 staff serving more than 750,000 New Zealand homes. The innovations that John brought to Sky have revolutionised the way New Zealanders view television, and he leaves a significant legacy." "The Board and I are grateful that John gave us many months' notice of his intention to retire, and was willing to stay involved in the company in order to ensure a positive transition process for Martin as the new CEO." "The next stage of the Sky journey builds on the successful business that John built, and we now look forward to continuing to grow and meet the evolving needs of our customers and partners." Ends. For further information: Sophie Moloney Chief Legal Officer and Company Secretary Sky Network Television Limited (09) 579 9999 sophie.moloney@skytv.co.nz End CA:00332602 For:SKT Type:GENERAL Time:2019-03-28 08:40:35