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OHE Results of Share Buyback

15/01/2019, 09:33 NZDT, SECISSUE

Orion Health Group Limited (NZX:OHE/ASX:OHE) announced a Share Buyback on 3 December 2018, with an offer price of NZ$1.224 per share. The purpose of the Share Buyback was to return surplus capital to shareholders following the Hg Transaction, offering shareholders the choice as to continuing an investment in Orion Health. The Share Buyback is now complete, having closed for acceptances on 4 January 2019 with a total of 1,873 Shareholders accepting the Share Buyback. As part of the Share Buyback, Orion Health acquired 105,400,905 shares, returning $129,010,708 of capital to Shareholders. Orion Health now has a total of 90,802,248 shares following the final acquisition of shares under the Share Buyback on 14 January 2019. Consistent with its previously announced undertaking, Orion Health's major Shareholder, McCrae Limited, participated in the offer in respect of 20% of its shares. McCrae Limited's level of ownership of Orion Health following the completion of the buyback is 85.57% of all shares on issue. Contact Alex Mercer Orion Health P +6421 502 112 E alexme@orionhealth.com End CA:00329460 For:OHE Type:SECISSUE Time:2019-01-15 09:33:53