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SPH Notice – JBS Australia Pty Limited

6/12/2018, 05:30 NZDT, SHINTR

Disclosure of movement of 1% or more in substantial holding or change in nature of relevant interest, or both Sections 277 and 278, Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 To NZX Limited and To Scott Technology Limited Relevant event being disclosed: movement of 1% or more in substantial holding Date of relevant event: 27 November 2018 Date this disclosure made: 5 December 2018 Date last disclosure made: 14 April 2016 Substantial product holder(s) giving disclosure Full name(s): JBS Australia Pty Limited Summary of substantial holding Class of quoted voting products: Ordinary Shares Summary for JBS Australia Pty Limited For this disclosure,-- (a) total number held in class: 39,265,963 (b) total in class: 76,788,465 (c) total percentage held in class: 51.135% For last disclosure,-- (a) total number held in class: 37,415,058 (b) total in class: 74,680,754 (c) total percentage held in class: 50.100% Details of transactions and events giving rise to relevant event Details of the transactions or other events requiring disclosure: JBS Australia Pty Limited was issued ordinary shares by Scott Technology Limited in accordance with its dividend reinvestment plan as follows: attached Details after relevant event Details for JBS Australia Pty Limited Nature of relevant interest(s): registered holder of ordinary shares. For that relevant interest,-- (a) number held in class: 39,265,963 (b) percentage held in class: 51.135% (c) current registered holder(s): Not applicable (d) registered holder(s) once transfers are registered: JBS Australia Pty Limited For a derivative relevant interest, also-- (a) type of derivative: Not applicable (b) details of derivative: Not applicable (c) parties to the derivative: Not applicable (d) if the substantial product holder is not a party to the derivative, the nature of the relevant interest in the derivative: Not applicable Additional information Address(es) of substantial product holder(s): 1 Lock Way, Riverview, Queensland 4303, Australia. Contact details: John Berry, Director and Manager, Corporate and Regulatory Affairs, Phone: +61 7 3810 2100, Email: info@jbssa.com.au Name of any other person believed to have given, or believed to be required to give, a disclosure under the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 in relation to the financial products to which this disclosure relates: Not applicable Certification I, Edison Alvares, certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information contained in this disclosure is correct and that I am duly authorised to make this disclosure by all persons for whom it is made. End CA:00327865 For:SCT Type:SHINTR Time:2018-12-05 08:30:09