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Seeka notifies Australian kiwifruit orchard symptoms

02/10/2018, 01:00 Coordinated Universal Time, MKTUPDTE

Seeka [NZX:SEK] advises that, as a result of its on orchard monitoring system in Australia, it has notified Agriculture Victoria of unusual bacterial related symptoms in the orchards under development. The symptoms are consistent with the PSA disease (pseudomonas syringae pv actinidiae) - although the presence of this disease is still to be positively confirmed. We have advised Agriculture Victoria, who are now moving to take samples for analysis. In total, Seeka has 154 hectares of kiwifruit in Australia of which 93 hectares are the Hayward variety [green] and in production. The remaining 61 hectares are in development, with 47 hectares planted in root stock and ungrafted, and 14 hectares grafted two years go. As part of our preventative measures, Seeka has removed the grafted canopy from 4.5 hectares of the 2-year-old vines, with the remainder under watch. The Hayward variety in production does not appear to be affected and our experience in New Zealand is that Hayward can tolerate PSA. The detection is in the non-producing part of the orchard, and normal hygiene and response protocols have been put in place. Seeka is removing suspicious plant material, and is re-evaluating the varietal mix to be grafted into the orchards under development and is likely to have a greater focus on Hayward, which is less effected by PSA, if that is the disease. PSA is not expected to be a significant problem in Australia given the hot summer climate, and is more likely to express symptoms in the spring. Seeka does not expect any material financial impact on the current year as a result of the detection and the company's guidance remains unchanged. Seeka will update the market on any material change or confirmation. Release ends: For further information, please contact: Michael Franks Seeka Chief Executive 021356516 Rob Towgood Seeka General Manager Commercial 0274638788 End CA:00324752 For:SEK Type:MKTUPDTE Time:2018-10-02 14:00:22