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Refinery welcomes Council finding on pipeline rupture

01/02/2018, 22:59 Coordinated Universal Time, GENERAL

Refining NZ has welcomed the Northland Regional Council (NRC) finding that the refinery had no causative role in the September pipeline rupture, as well as its commendation for the refinery's outstanding response. NRC concluded that the discharge was beyond the control of Refining NZ which had a suite of very extensive protective measures, checks and other precautions to prevent damage to the pipeline. NRC also concluded Refining NZ could not reasonably have foreseen or provided against the damage. Commenting, Chief Executive Officer, Sjoerd Post said: "It is pleasing that after reviewing the external expert reports and having witnessed first-hand our containment and recovery processes, the Council has decided not to prosecute." Post confirmed that remediation work around the pipe repair site was completed before Christmas while the last piece of remediation work on an adjacent farm drain is expected to be completed over the next 8-10 weeks. ENDS For information: Greg McNeill; M: 021 873 623; E: greg.mcneill@refiningnz.com End CA:00313704 For:NZR Type:GENERAL Time:2018-02-02 11:59:53


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