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S&T Annual Meeting Resolutions

16/11/2017, 14:20 NZDT, MEETING

2017 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING VOTING RESULTS Wellington, 16 November 2017 - Steel & Tube advises that all resolutions put to its Annual General Meeting held in Wellington today were passed by shareholders. The final results of the voting poll are in the attached document. The following resolutions were passed: - Election of Susan Paterson as a director - Election of Steve Reindler as a director - Election of Chris Ellis as a director - Re-election of Rosemary Warnock as a director - That the directors be authorised to fix the auditor's remuneration - That the pool available for payment of Director fees be increased by $155,000 from $420,000 to $575,000 Independence of Directors In accordance with NZX Listing Rule 3.3.3(a), the Board has determined that all directors are Independent Directors, as defined in NZX Main Board Listing Rules, including Susan Paterson, Steve Reindler and Chris Ellis who were elected to the Board by shareholders at the meeting. Greg Smith Company Secretary End CA:00310465 For:STU Type:MEETING Time:2017-11-16 14:20:27


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