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Quarterly Cashflow Report

30/10/2017, 16:53 NZDT, GENERAL

APPENDIX 11 (Rule10.8.4) QUARTERLY REPORT OF CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOWS NEW TALISMAN GOLD MINES LIMITED For Quarter ended 30 September 2017 (Referred to in this Quarter as the "Current Quarter") Quarterly Report of Consolidated Cash Flows in accordance with Listing Rule 10.8.4. These figures are based on accounts which are *unaudited. If these figures are based on audited accounts, a statement is required of any material qualification made by the auditor. The Mining Issuer *has a formally constituted Audit Committee of the Board of Directors. 1. CASH FLOWS RELATING TO OPERATING ACTIVITIES (a) Receipts from product sales and related debtors (b) Payments for exploration and evaluation for development for production for administration (c) Dividends received (d) Interest and other items of a similar nature received (e) Interest and other costs of finance paid (f) Income taxes paid (g) Other (provide details if material) (h) NET OPERATING CASH FLOWS 2. CASH FLOWS RELATED TO INVESTING ACTIVITIES (a) Cash paid for purchases of prospects equity investments other fixed assets (b) Cash proceeds from sale of prospects equity investments other fixed assets (c) Loans to other entities Nil (d) Loans repaid by other entities (e) Other (provide details if material) - Sale of share investments (f) NET INVESTING CASH FLOWS 3. CASH FLOWS RELATED TO FINANCING ACTIVITIES (a) Cash proceeds from issues of shares, options, etc (b) Proceeds from sale of forfeited shares (c) Borrowings (d) Repayments of borrowings (e) Dividends paid (f) Other (provide details if material) (g) NET FINANCING CASH FLOWS 4. (a) *NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CASH HELD (b) Cash at beginning of quarter/year to date (c) Exchange rate adjustments to Item 4(a) above (d) CASH AT END OF QUARTER 5. NON-CASH FINANCING AND INVESTING ACTIVITIES (a) Provide details of financing and investing transactions which have had a material effect on consolidated assets and liabilities but did not involve cash flows: Nil.......................................................................... .......................................................................... (b) Provide details of outlays made by other entities to establish or increase their shares in projects in which the reporting entity has an interest. Nil.......................................................................... ............................................................................. ....................... . 6. FINANCING FACILITIES AVAILABLE Provide details of used and unused loan facilities and credit standby arrangements, adding such notes as are necessary for an understanding of the position. N/A.......................................................................... ...... ............................................................................. ............. ............................................................................. ............. 7. ESTIMATED OUTLAYS FOR SPECIFIED QUARTERS (a) Exploration and evaluation (b) Development TOTAL # The outlays to be shown in this column are the estimates made for this quarter in the previous quarterly report. Where these estimates differ by more than 15% from the actual outlays reported in Item 1(b) of this report, provide an explanation of the reason(s) for these differences as an attachment to this report - see Annexure 1. 8. RECONCILIATION OF CASH For the purposes of this statement of cash flows, cash includes: Petty cash, Westpac cheque & savings accounts, ANZ accounts, NAB, Macquarie & Westpac Australian dollar cheque accounts. Cash at the end of the quarter as shown in the statement of cash flows is reconciled to the related items in the amounts as follows: Cash on hand and at bank Deposits at call and Term Deposits Bank overdraft Other (provide details) - Bond TOTAL = CASH AT END OF QUARTER [Items 4(d)/4(b)] 9. CHANGES IN INTERESTS IN MINING TENEMENTS (a) Interests in mining tenements relinquished, reduced and/or lapsed (b) Interests in mining tenements acquired and/or increased (c) Where changes are reported in (a) and/or (b), an amended list of interests in mining tenements is attached to this statement. 10. ISSUED AND QUOTED SECURITIES AT END OF CURRENT QUARTER Category of Securities Number Issued Number Quoted Paid-Up Value Cents PREFERENCE SHARES Nil Nil ORDINARY SHARES 2,157,271,250 2,157,271,250 SHARES Issued during current quarter: Nil Nil CONVERTIBLE NOTES: Nil Nil Issued during current quarter Nil Nil OPTIONS: Exercise Price / Expiry Date Quoted 118,530,578 15,790,930 118,530,578 15,790,930 A$0.0216 or NZ equivalent / 28 November 2017 A$0.055 or NZ equivalent / 30 September 2017 Issued during current quarter Nil Nil Expired during current quarter Nil Nil Not quoted and not transferable 1,250,000 3,000,000 Nil Nil A$0.011 or NZ equivalent / 13 February 2019 A$0.011 or NZ equivalent / 13 November 2018 Issued during current quarter Nil Nil WARRANTS: Nil Nil DEBENTURES - totals only: Nil Nil UNSECURED NOTES - totals only: Nil Nil Jane Bell (Company Secretary) Authorised Officer of Listed Issuer 30 September 2017 Annexure 1 The actual development expenditure for the quarter was $464,030 compared to a budget of $300,000. The reason for the variance was due to the earlier commencement of work planned for the following quarter. List of interest in mining permits: Talisman 51326 Rahu 40117 End CA:00309446 For:NTL Type:GENERAL Time:2017-10-30 16:53:42